Inhale, Exhale, Success

How To Conquer Imposter Syndrome & Build Your Mompreneur Empire

Dee Medina Episode 6

Feeling like a fraud despite your success? You're not alone. This episode of Inhale Exhale Success tackles the myth of imposter syndrome and equips mompreneurs with actionable steps to silence self-doubt, build confidence, and achieve success on their own terms. 

Dee dives deep into the true causes of self-doubt and burnout, offering practical strategies.

Join Dee as she empowers you to embrace your imperfections, celebrate your journey, and step into your power as a capable and thriving mompreneur. Remember, success starts with believing in yourself. Breathe, find your balance, and get ready to conquer your goals!

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**Disclaimer:** This podcast is for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional for any mental health concerns.

Do you ever feel like you're not as capable or deserving of success and happiness like others believe that you are? Even after finding your life's purpose and you've achieved thousands of dollars in your business, you somehow still feel like a fraud and you question if you even truly deserve that success. 

And if you're nodding your head in agreement, then this episode is for you. Because we're going to explore why these feelings come up, how burnout can make them worse, and most importantly, some actionable steps to overcome them. So let's dive in. Welcome to the Inhale Exhale Success Podcast, where we help women entrepreneurs create a life they love, feel confident in their body and build a business without burning out by equipping them with the best tools, strategies, and my proven formula. Every business woman must have my name is Dee Medina.

Let's get started and be successful together.

Hola Hola. Welcome back to another episode. I hope you had a fun and safe 4th of July with your loved ones. We certainly had an amazing weekend this past weekend. For the 4th, what we like to do is we just like to light fireworks outside in the street. It's become tradition, I guess, because every year we usually stay in and our neighbors do as well. So when the sun goes down, we all come out and start lighting fireworks in our street. And we had another neighbor who joined us in lighting fireworks too. It was really awesome to see grown men Just allowing their inner child to come out and play so we had a lot of fun on the fourth then on the weekend I took my kids to the pool with some fellow single moms And then one of the moms and I took our babies for pizza and games after so all around it was such a great weekend it's always a blast hanging out with some awesome women who are just doing the damn thing. Single moms or not, if you're a woman and you're chasing your dreams, you are a superhuman, whether you're raising your kids, whether you're working your job, whether you're starting a business, you are doing amazing. And I just want you to know that. But what kind of gets me down when I hang around some awesome women is that I hear that they still carry plenty of self doubt, regardless of what they already achieved up to this point. And it's super understandable because I can still doubt myself too, from time to time. Shit, even now. As I think about this badass course that I'm creating for the women who want to take control of their lives, that want to step into the identity of being a successful woman, have a profitable business, even though there's literal . proof that I am living my dream. Each time I dive into something that pushes me to grow, I have my days and I find myself saying like, am I even capable of what I'm doing? So I feel you if you're dealing with that self doubt, okay? Especially for those of you who are still working a 9 to 5 but are starting to dip their toes into entrepreneurship, which is why I'm diving into something many of us mompreneurs deal with, and that's imposter syndrome. And I want to start off with why imposter syndrome is such a big deal for us Okay, it's because we're trying to balance working a job starting or growing a business staying healthy being there for our communities Our families and ourselves and that shit can be tough. But that's not what causes imposter syndrome.. What causes imposter syndrome is when you set these sky high standards for yourself and when you don't meet them, even if it's just in your own head, you start doubting yourself. Because think about it, society tells us we have to be perfect moms and successful business women and all these other things. It's like we're always in the tug of war constantly questioning if we're doing enough or if we're even enough. And then when you're running on empty trying to do it all, then there's burnout. Because you're trying to be perfect here You're trying to be perfect there. You're trying to be Everything to everybody then eventually you will hit burnout which makes it even easier To let those self doubts take over you're exhausted You're overwhelmed and your brain just can't help but focus on what you think is lacking Instead of the amazing things that you're already doing and I was coaching a client who's been a coach for half a decade, who has a successful coaching business, who's had successful five figure launches in the past, who has clients who love her, who has community, who has all the things anyone could ask for. So you can imagine my surprise when she came into my session last week, crying her eyes out. Calling herself an imposter for wanting to launch and scale her business yet again. Telling me that she feels like a fraud, like she's a fake, and is waiting for someone to call her out and want their money back, even though we just started to prepare her for her launch. She was thinking the worst things imaginable when all the facts say otherwise. And for those of you who are just starting a business, just know we're all humans. No matter the level of success, we all experience self doubt. But this time she couldn't understand why, why it crept in so much more than other times. She's just so tired of it holding her back, especially now that she's preparing to launch again in about two months from now. During our session, we discovered the root of it. She's tired. She's burnt out because her kids are on summer break. Her husband isn't helping. And she's just relying on the old systems and frameworks that no longer apply because she's wanting to scale her business. And when the necessary systems that you need in order to scale your business are not in place, there is no doubt that you will be feeling stretched thin between your life, your business and your family. When she discovered she's a little burnt out, she kept wanting to move forward to what she needed to do next. But before we could work together on systems and strategies, we had to talk about this diagnosis that she was giving to herself. And to be honest, some of you might react like her and be completely mind blown, but relieved from what I'm about to tell you. And that is contrary to very popular opinion, imposter syndrome literally is not a real thing, okay? It might sound like a diagnosis. It has syndrome in there. But in reality, it's something that many, if not all of us face at some point in our lives. But it isn't an official diagnosis. It's a damn buzzword that spread like wildfire in the business community. When you are feeling self doubt and skepticism or even anxiety about starting a business or scaling it or anything like that. And I just want you to think about it for a moment. Why is it that we don't say imposter syndrome for other areas of our life? When someone wants to become a mom, but doesn't think that she'll be a great one, We typically just say that she's having doubt and we just remind her of how awesome she will be, right? Or When someone's applying for a new job or asking for a pay raise my son was in this situation a month ago I didn't say oh, that's your imposter syndrome talking I just said you're skeptical about getting this pay raise Because you're doubting that your boss won't see your value, right? Our minds are very powerful things. So if you're thinking that you have a syndrome of some sort, then you could be making things so much harder for yourself than they really need to be. And in my client's case, she was until she realized that she already has the skills to do the things she's wanting to do. It's just, she's hitting a different level. Now, if you're someone who's constantly telling yourself that you have imposter syndrome, I want you to also imagine the toll that that can be taking on your body because of the unnecessary tension or stress from a buzzword that is causing you to ignore the root causes, which is self doubt, skepticism, maybe even a little anxiety. And you might be saying, okay, Dee, how do we tackle imposter syndrome then what solutions do I have to release the buzzword for good? Well, I'm going to give you those steps. Okay. And the first one starts with acknowledge your feelings. 


You first have to recognize that feeling like an imposter of when wanting to start or scale your business is totally. Normal and you're not alone. And it's okay to have those doubts. It's okay to feel skeptical. It just means that you're stepping out of your comfort zone. And when you do that, I want you to reframe your thoughts, okay? This is step two. I want you to challenge those negative thoughts instead of thinking I don't deserve this success. Say I worked hard to get here and my efforts are paying off. I want you to keep a list of your achievements and look at them whenever you need to remember who the hell you are. And when you're doing that, step three will be set realistic expectations, I know you want to make hundreds of thousands of dollars. I know you want to make millions. I know you want to have this time and financial freedom for yourself. But , I want you to set realistic expectations. Okay, all of the things that you want to achieve in your life are absolutely possible. However, You need to be able to break them down into smaller steps so you have a clear plan on how to achieve those things. Because when you say something and you don't make a plan for it, you will get overwhelmed. You will start doubting yourself. It will seem impossible , But when you create and have a plan, you will have the steps that are necessary for you to take. And every step that you take, I want you to celebrate every single one . Because it fuels your belief system that you're actually capable and worthy of the things that you are setting out to do. And when you're doing that, I want you to also seek support, girl, hire a coach, call your business bestie, join some groups, find your tribe, connect with other mompreneurs who get what you're going through, share your experiences and hearing other stories as well, can also help you and relief that. self doubt and that skepticism because you won't feel like you're alone in it. So that was step number four for you. And the final step is prioritize your self care because unlike imposter syndrome, self care isn't just a buzzword. It's an absolute necessity. It's essential. It's a must. It's something that I make mandatory for everyone that I work with. Because making time to recharge, whether it's through a coaching session, whether it's through exercise, hobbies, a quiet moment at the beach, at the park, on a hike, wherever, it's so important because a well rested mind, body, and spirit is less likely to Likely to dwell on doubts and skepticism and in those moments that you're feeling imposter syndrome take a hold of you, if you feel the self doubt creeping in, if you start being skeptical of yourself and you need to help yourself through this you can coach yourself through it by asking yourself. What evidence do I have that supports my success, my competence? , what are some specific achievements that I'm proud of in my business or in my personal life? How would I view these accomplishments if they belong to someone else? Would I still consider them to be not enough? What negative thoughts do I often have about myself and my capabilities? And how can I reframe those to be positive? Who can I reach out to for support and encouragement? Because I'm feeling doubtful. What can I do for myself right now? Also, what are some self care practices that you can incorporate into your routine to help you manage stress and prevent burnout. What small but achievable goals can you set for yourself to help build that confidence? Is it getting up earlier? Is it going to the gym?, is it integrating some self care into your routine and doing it? Is it telling people that you're starting a business? Is it telling people that you're launching a program? Is it creating a business card? Is it a photo shoot? What is it that you can actually do now? What can help you start creating that momentum? And then I want you to ask yourself how you can celebrate those milestones. No matter how big or small the damn step is, I want you to acknowledge that you did it. I want you to tell yourself that you're amazing for doing it. And you might be saying, well, D, why am I going to celebrate every single step? Because. I'm so big on celebrating, not just my clients, my friends, my family, but myself. Everything that I do, I celebrate myself. Because if I don't, then I start being hard on myself. And then those moments that you're having doubt of celebrating yourself or any step that you're taking, ask yourself, am I being too hard on myself? What would I say to a friend who's in a similar situation? Treat yourself kindly, love yourself like you would your friend because it does a world of a difference. The love that you give to others, you need to give to yourself first and foremost, and I also want you to ask yourself, what lessons have I learned from past experience of overcoming self doubt? I'm sure that it was a moment that you didn't think you'd be a good mother, but now you're a badass mom. , my son had so much doubt that he could get the raise and he absolutely did. I doubted that I could start a business and here I am almost three years later going strong. I didn't think I could start a podcast or know what to talk about and yet here I am girl. I want you to take another look at yourself. I want you to see yourself as a mompreneur who's capable of running a successful business of having a successful life, whatever that looks like for you. Because when you do the opposite and you often think that you can't start a business, you won't have a successful launch, that you can't have time and money freedom, that your business can't be successful, even though your business can be thriving, it can lead you to burnout, which can ultimately make you feel even worse and want to quit altogether before you even give yourself a chance to start. So I want you to remember all the accomplishments you have so far. I want you to reframe from those negative thoughts. I want you to set realistic goals. I want you to find your tribe and I want you to make self care a priority. So reflect on those coaching questions that I gave you today. You'll start noticing that your self doubt is going to start fading away and you can start focusing on starting and growing your business with some damn confidence. Step into your power as a confident, capable mompreneur that we all know that you are. And if you need help getting there, make sure that you're signed up for my email list to receive even more support. Remember, success isn't about being perfect. It's about embracing those imperfections continuously learning and growing Because achieving that balance when you're fulfilled both professionally and personally while still earning thousands of dollars a month Is within reach my friend And it starts with knowing that who you are in this moment right now is enough 

Well, that does it for today's episode. Thank you so much for joining us on the inhale, exhale success podcast. If you enjoyed today's topic, I'd love for you to subscribe. So you don't miss out on other valuable discussions along with answering questions directly from busy women like you who are looking for ways to make life, business and weight loss easy. I look forward to having you here with us again next time. And remember my friend, success begins when you take a moment to breathe, find your balance, and believe in yourself.