Inhale, Exhale, Success
How do I balance work, family, and personal life without getting overwhelmed? What can I do to handle stress and anxiety better every day? How can I set goals that I can actually achieve? How can I stay motivated and focused when things get tough? How can I feel more confident and believe in myself when dealing with challenges?
Welcome to Inhale, Exhale, Success Podcast! We'll answer all of these questions and MORE to help you set AND achieve your BIG goals without burnout but with ease! Because we believe you DON'T have to STRESS while doing things you love.
Host Dee Medina is here with everything you need to make the journey of achieving your Big Goals LESS stressful and MORE enjoyable! She will equip you with expert tips, business strategies, and all of the mindset shifts you need to approach life, business and weight loss with UNSHAKABLE confidence!
We’re not just here to share our insider tips and useful tools. We’re also here to answer YOUR questions and interview incredible expert female entrepreneurs. Tune in, get inspired and get ready for real stories, pro tips and the experiences of women and their successes!
Inhale, Exhale, Success
CEO You: How New Entrepreneurs Can Set Themselves Up for Success
In this episode, Dee dives into the importance of establishing a CEO mindset from the very beginning of your entrepreneurial journey. She emphasizes the significance of creating a structured schedule even with a small client base to prepare for rapid growth and prevent burnout.
Key Points:
- The dangers of people-pleasing and its impact on business growth and well-being.
- The importance of setting boundaries and creating a sustainable business model.
- How to visualize and plan for future business growth.
- The benefits of a well-structured schedule for work-life balance and client satisfaction.
Dee encourages listeners to envision their ideal business in the future and to take steps today to create that reality. By implementing a CEO mindset and establishing a solid foundation, mompreneurs can achieve success without sacrificing their mental health.
Dee understands how running a business can be super stressful, especially for moms. Her 1:1 coaching helps you juggle it all without sacrificing yourself or the things you love. Clients have reduced their stress by 50% and doubled their revenue after working with Dee. Schedule your call here to see how Dee can help you reclaim your time easily!
Grab a copy of her book [here].
Connect with Dee:
Instagram: [@deep_dives_withdee]
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**Disclaimer:** This podcast is for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional for any mental health concerns.
Want to know the key to scaling your business to consistent four to six figure months without burning out? Well, get ready to learn how to prepare for rapid growth and maintaining your sanity because by the end of this episode, you'll discover the one thing you need to grow your business, celebrate your wins and avoid burnout. Let's dive in.
Welcome to the Inhale Exhale Success Podcast, where we help women entrepreneurs create a life they love, feel confident in their body and build a business without burning out by equipping them with the best tools, strategies, and my proven formula every business woman must have my name is Dee Medina. Let's get started and be successful together.
Hola, hola. Welcome back to another episode. I hope you're having a lovely day. Whatever day that it is that you are listening to this. This episode is airing in the beginning of August. I cannot believe that we are already past the halfway mark of 2024. It's crazy. But I am excited about today's episode because today I'll be speaking to mompreneurs who are new to the business world or the nine to five mommas who are considering entering it. And the reason that I'm touching on this topic is because inside of my one on one, we focus on helping high achieving mompreneurs recover from burnout and develop the strategies that they need in order to avoid it as they scale their businesses from inconsistent four to six figures to consistent four to six figures without burning out. I want to share with you the important things that we are doing inside to recover from burnout so that you can avoid it as you're entering the business world. And the single most important thing that you can do for yourself and your business is stepping into the CEO identity .
The CEO you who runs a successful business with boundaries, schedules, and without people pleasing. Because some of the main reasons for burnout is the lack of those first two. Boundaries and schedules. So today we're going to talk about schedule and why it's important for you to set one for your business now, whether you have no clients or one. Let's say you have one and you're saying to yourself, what's the big deal if I have one client, I can handle that. Why do I need to get so structured in my business now? Why can't I cater to these first few clients every needs to make sure that they love my product or my service? I want them to be happy with my product and services. I want to give exceptional service so they can become lifelong clients and build community and then refer me. And if you're thinking that, I hear you. I want the same for you. But with that way of thinking and without knowing how to regulate your nervous system with how we teach you inside of my program is only going to lead you to burnout. Because I've seen this time and time again. Women at all levels in business are burning out because they simply go into people pleasing disguised as client satisfaction mode, Making sure that, that one or two new clients are catered to hand and foot, When instead they could be spending more time preparing in their business. Which is a no brainer why someone can become so overwhelmed and stressed when more clients come in and come in fast. So the reason I want you to start setting a CEO schedule. The reason you need to do it now even if you have one client is because when you start marketing your business with intention, and in the way that we help you inside of my program, you will start selling out because we believe you will. Because what you have to offer the world is amazing and very much needed.
Your business can go from 0 to 100 clients real quick. And your business can grow especially when you sell online because people will discover you and want more and more of you and your amazing products and services. So you must be prepared for that demand now. Don't get me wrong, it happens more often than not. And it is true that you can give your first few clients undivided attention. Give them your personal phone number, give them your email address, and then answer every call that they have and every email that they send you. And it's your right to do so. It especially happens when it is your first client or two because you're just so excited that your business is starting, that you're getting it off the ground. But what I want you to think about is what kind of habits are you setting for your business? What kind of strategy is that? Now, I just want to say that not everyone will be satisfied with your business because it's just the reality of things.
And I saw someone post, if Jesus Christ, Buddha, and Gandhi couldn't get everyone to like them. Why are you trying to? That's the people pleaser in you and let me tell you all that people pleaser is going to do is sabotage and lead You to burnout, but guess what? CEO you is not a people pleaser and we'll talk about people pleasing on another episode but going back to sharing with you what I've learned from working with clients who have experienced burnout because they're purely focused on client satisfaction is that they quickly realize that that's not sustainable because you're not considering what can happen when all of a sudden you make a post and sign four to five clients off of that. You're not considering what could happen if you created a workshop and 30 people attended and five to six Sign up that day to work with you or buy from you. It is possible. It has been possible for me. It has been possible for my clients and it is most certainly possible for you So if you plan to have a business that makes multiple four to six figures a month, you must be prepared for it first because I would hate to see you burn out and much rather have you work with me to help you design a dream schedule now before your business takes off so you and your nervous system are prepared for the future you, the CEO, you, The CEO you that has a schedule that allows you to have the capacity for 10 to 15 clients at the drop of your launch. The schedule that allows you to celebrate your wins and not have to recover from them instead. Right now, today, is when you have time to imagine what you want your business to look like six months to a year from now. Or if you're like me, you can imagine 3 to 5 years from now, or even 10 years from now. But if that feels overwhelming for you, then think about the next 6 to 12 months at least. Imagine what it will be like when you have a roster full of amazing clients knocking at your door, wanting more and more of what you have to offer. The number of clients is totally up to you. Some of us like to be booked and busy, and others of us like to be moderately scheduled and well rested. But when you work with me, you can most certainly do both because we specialize in helping you design your dream schedule. Whatever that looks like for you, I want you to imagine your year goal right now. Think about it for a second. I'll wait. What does it look like? Do you have an idea of it already? What would the CEO, you, a year from now be feeling? What would her business look like? What would her schedule look like? I'm sure it's not burnt out and stressed out, right? Okay, now I want you to work backwards and write it out. Since you have that one client, you have the capacity now to set things in place. What does your customer experience look like? Write it out. And if you feel stuck, we can most certainly work together on this. And if you feel like you don't even know where to start, then just schedule a call with me. But in the meantime, I want you to work on those goals, a little at a time, every day. Before your clients arrive so you can enjoy scaling peacefully and without burnout. Because when you start setting things up for yourself now, you'll be able to enjoy dinner with your kids, Date night with your partner or a solo spa date with yourself or travel the world and visit a friend. This can all be done when you have a schedule in place. You'll be avoiding burnout because you're not responding to emails at midnight or answering every call that comes in on Voxer. Or responding to every message in Slack as it comes in. Your clients will know your business model, your business hours, your business terms and conditions, and how it all runs, leaving little to no room for questions because they will all be laid out. And because of that the satisfaction that you both want will be there You'll be happy that your clients are taken care of and your clients will be happy that they are taken care of all because of how well you planned you scheduled and you're well rested and prepared for it all As best as you possibly can be, the CEO you is ready and waiting for you, and you get to choose when you want to meet her and plan your future with her. And if you have time and you're in a safe place, just close your eyes. I want you to picture you a year from now. That is the CEO you. I want you to say hello. I'm ready to do this together. Extend your hand out. Because she's waiting for you. Connect with her. Share with her. Allow her to show you what she has in store for you.
Well, that does it for today's episode. Thank you so much for joining us on the inhale, exhale success podcast. If you enjoyed today's topic, I'd love for you to subscribe. So you don't miss out on other valuable discussions along with answering questions directly from busy women like you who are looking for ways to make life, business and weight loss easy. I look forward to having you here with us again next time. And remember my friend, success begins when you take a moment to breathe, find your balance, and believe in yourself.