Inhale, Exhale, Success
How do I balance work, family, and personal life without getting overwhelmed? What can I do to handle stress and anxiety better every day? How can I set goals that I can actually achieve? How can I stay motivated and focused when things get tough? How can I feel more confident and believe in myself when dealing with challenges?
Welcome to Inhale, Exhale, Success Podcast! We'll answer all of these questions and MORE to help you set AND achieve your BIG goals without burnout but with ease! Because we believe you DON'T have to STRESS while doing things you love.
Host Dee Medina is here with everything you need to make the journey of achieving your Big Goals LESS stressful and MORE enjoyable! She will equip you with expert tips, business strategies, and all of the mindset shifts you need to approach life, business and weight loss with UNSHAKABLE confidence!
We’re not just here to share our insider tips and useful tools. We’re also here to answer YOUR questions and interview incredible expert female entrepreneurs. Tune in, get inspired and get ready for real stories, pro tips and the experiences of women and their successes!
Inhale, Exhale, Success
How To Trade Pressure for Profit: Effective Scaling Strategies for Entrepreneurs
Are you an entrepreneur feeling overwhelmed by the constant pressure to hustle harder? Do you find yourself stuck in the grind, wondering if there’s a better way to achieve success?
If you’re looking for a more sustainable approach to growing your business, this episode is for you.
Why This Episode is for You Are:
- Seeking Balance: If you’re tired of trading your peace of mind for profits, we’ll show you how to scale your business without the burnout.
- Craving Sustainable Growth: Learn effective strategies that allow you to grow your business in a way that supports long-term success without constant stress.
- Looking to Boost Productivity: Discover how to manage your time and tasks more efficiently, so you can achieve more with less pressure.
- Ready for a Mindset Shift: This episode will help you transition from a pressure-driven mentality to a balanced, profit-focused approach.
Dee understands how running a business can be super stressful, especially for moms. Her 1:1 coaching helps you juggle it all without sacrificing yourself or the things you love. Clients have reduced their stress by 50% and doubled their revenue after working with Dee. Schedule your call here to see how Dee can help you reclaim your time easily!
Grab a copy of her book [here].
Connect with Dee:
Instagram: [@deep_dives_withdee]
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**Disclaimer:** This podcast is for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional for any mental health concerns.
How many times have you found yourself saying, "I work better under pressure"? Do you find yourself only thriving when the pressure is on, racing to meet deadlines, and accepting stress as part of the process? What if I told you that this approach might actually be holding you back, and that there's a better path to success without burnout? Before we dive in, consider this: What if the pressure you've come to rely on is actually your biggest obstacle? Stay tuned, because we're about to uncover a powerful secret to scaling your business without the unnecessary stress.
Welcome to the Inhale, Exhale, Success podcast, where we help women entrepreneurs create a life they love, feel confident in their bodies, and build a business without burning out by equipping them with the best tools, strategies, and my proven formula. Every businesswoman must have my name is Dee Medina. Let's get started and be successful together.
Hola, hola, welcome back to another episode. I'm so glad that you're here today because we are going to dive into something that may be holding you back more than you realize, and that is working under pressure. If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone say, "I work better under pressure," I'd be a billionaire. I would have had to pay myself too, because before I burned out, I would say it too. And if you've ever found yourself saying, "I work better under pressure," then this episode is for you. We’re going to explore why this mindset can be detrimental to your success. We’re also going to talk about where it might be coming from and how you can shift away from it to work smarter, not harder. And if scaling your business to consistent four- to six-figure months is your goal, then this episode is going to give you the strategies to get there without burning out.
So let's start by getting real for a second, okay? Think about the last time you were under some serious pressure to get something done. If you're a mom or a mompreneur, then maybe that time for you was during a big launch, having to put on a big presentation, or while juggling your kids' schedules with a full day of client calls—or just trying to power through that never-ending to-do list. Because you think that no one can do it like you, so it all needs to be done by you. If you can recall being there, how did those moments feel for you? Stressful? Overwhelming? Exhausting? And yet somehow, in the middle of all that chaos, you got it done, right? You might even have told yourself, "See, I really do work better under pressure."
But here’s the thing—just because you can get things done under pressure doesn’t mean it’s the best way to work. Sure, the adrenaline kicks in, and you might even get a little rush of dopamine from pulling it all off last minute. I mean, we all love to feel good, and dopamine is just that feel-good hormone and neurotransmitter that sends all the good vibes through our bodies. But many of us think that we’re thriving and getting that hit of happiness without remembering that we got there by stressing. And also, what happens after that momentary reward? You’re likely left feeling drained, maybe even a little burned out, and that’s not sustainable—especially if you’re trying to grow and scale your business to those four- to six-figure months.
In my program, I like to break it down. Working better under pressure might give you that quick hit of productivity, but it often comes at a cost. First, the quality of your work might not even be as high as it could be if you had more time to think things through. Let me ask you this: Have you ever looked back at something you rushed to finish and thought, "I could have done better"? Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about.
The second thing I like to bring up is that the stress that comes with constantly working under pressure doesn’t just disappear when the task is done. It sticks around, adding to your overall stress levels and making it harder to bounce back for the next challenge. It’s like you’re running a marathon, but instead of pacing yourself, you’re sprinting the whole way. Eventually, you’re going to hit a wall, and that’s when burnout creeps in. I’ve experienced it myself when I was in the corporate world, and because of that, I refuse to bring it into my business. It saddens me to have conversations with women who are in both worlds—corporate and entrepreneurship—and how common it is that they still continue to work with the thought, "I work better under pressure."
So, if you ever wonder, "Why do I keep doing this to myself? Why do I keep pushing until I’m at a breaking point?" Well, there are two reasons that I see, especially with the amazing mompreneurs that I work with.
The first reason is perfectionism and fear of failure. We’ve all been there, right? You have these sky-high standards for yourself because you want everything to be perfect. But perfectionism can be paralyzing, and when you're stuck in that mindset, you procrastinate. You avoid taking action and starting anything because you're so afraid of not getting it perfect. Then, when you finally can’t put it off any longer, the pressure kicks in, and you think, "Okay, now that I have to get it done, it better be perfect." But that pressure isn’t about doing your best work; it’s about fear—fear of not being good enough, fear of failing, fear of letting people down, fear of judgment, or fear of criticism.
The second reason is a lack of boundaries and overcommitment. And this one's a biggie, especially for us moms who are juggling a million things at once. It’s so easy to say "yes" to everything—every opportunity, every request, every event—because we don’t want to let anybody down. We don’t want to disappoint anyone. And maybe we even feel like we should be able to handle it all. A lot of you think you’re superwomen out there. The truth is, you’re not. When you say "yes" to everything, you’re really saying "no" to yourself, your own well-being, your health, your business. You’re setting yourself up to be in a situation where the only way to get it all done is to work under intense pressure.
You might be asking yourself, "Well, then how do I change this? How do I move away from this pressure-driven mindset that I've known all my life to start working in a way that's more balanced and sustainable?" Well, it starts with shifting from reactive to proactive work habits. When I teach my clients one-on-one, we focus on planning ahead instead of waiting until the last minute. We break down the big tasks into smaller, manageable steps and give you realistic deadlines, because when you're proactive, you're in control, and you're less likely to find yourself in those high-pressure situations.
Another thing that we work on is shifting your mindset. Instead of focusing on perfection, we focus on progress, remembering that done is better than perfect, and that consistent, steady work is what really drives success over the long term. When you’re in business and you’re in it for the long run, we create sustainability. We embrace the idea that it's okay to make mistakes, and that those mistakes are part of the learning process.
Finally, it's all about setting boundaries—learning to say "no" when you need to, and prioritizing the tasks that align with your goals and values. This is where that inner work comes in—knowing what's really important to you and being willing to protect that. When you set clear boundaries for yourself, you're not just preserving your time and energy; you're also creating a work environment that supports your well-being and your business growth.
I know that making these changes isn’t always easy, especially if you’ve been stuck in a cycle for a long time. Some of us have been stuck in them for decades. That’s exactly why I created my *Burnout to Bliss* program. It's designed to help you break free from the pressures that lead to burnout and guide you toward a more sustainable way of working and living. Inside my program, we dive deep into these issues—like perfectionism, overcommitment, and the fear of failure—and we work together to create new habits and mindsets that support both your business and your well-being. And we don’t stop there. We also focus on the strategies and systems that will help you scale your business to those four- to six-figure months—all while maintaining that peace of mind.
One of the things we like to focus on in *B2B* is helping you reclaim your time and energy by setting clear boundaries and creating workflows that align with your life and business goals. We also work on shifting your mindset from one that thrives on pressure to one that values balance and stability. The best part is that you don't have to do it alone—I'm there with you every step of the way, offering support, guidance, and tools that are tailored to your unique needs as a mompreneur who has a family, a job, and a business.
Recently, I was with one of my clients, and this was the topic of our session. So I want to share with you the questions that I asked her, which provided a breakthrough for her. I want you to ask yourself: Why do you believe you work better under pressure? Is it really true, or is it something that you've been telling yourself to justify procrastination? What are you afraid will happen if you work without the pressure? Is there a fear that if you start earlier, you won't do as well, or that you'll have more time to second-guess yourself? And finally, how can you create a workflow that doesn't rely on last-minute stress? What can you do this week to start breaking that cycle?
If you’re one of my listeners, I want you to take some time to journal on these questions and see what comes up for you. Maybe even choose one small change you can make this week to start working in a way that feels more aligned and less stressful. And if you've been feeling like you've always been working under pressure and you're ready to break that cycle for good, then my *Burnout to Bliss* program might be just what you need. It's all about helping mompreneurs like you create a thriving business without sacrificing your sanity or your health. We'll work together on building the systems and strategies that not only help you find balance but also scale your business to those four- to six-figure months that you're aiming for.
So, if you're ready to leave that burnout in the past, click the link in my show notes and schedule a call with me. We’ll talk about how I can help you with that because I'd love to help you find that blissful balance that you need. Remember, success doesn’t have to come at the cost of your well-being. You deserve to feel good in your business and your life, not pressured. And with all that being said, I just want you to take a deep breath, give yourself some grace, and know that you've got this.
I'll see you on the next episode.
Well, that does it for today's episode. Thank you so much for joining us on the Inhale, Exhale, Success podcast. If you enjoyed today’s topic, I’d love for you to subscribe so you don’t miss out on other valuable discussions, along with answering questions directly from busy women like you who are looking for ways to make life, business, and weight loss easy. I look forward to having you here with us again next time. And remember, my friend, success begins when you take a moment to breathe, find your balance, and believe in yourself.