Inhale, Exhale, Success
How do I balance work, family, and personal life without getting overwhelmed? What can I do to handle stress and anxiety better every day? How can I set goals that I can actually achieve? How can I stay motivated and focused when things get tough? How can I feel more confident and believe in myself when dealing with challenges?
Welcome to Inhale, Exhale, Success Podcast! We'll answer all of these questions and MORE to help you set AND achieve your BIG goals without burnout but with ease! Because we believe you DON'T have to STRESS while doing things you love.
Host Dee Medina is here with everything you need to make the journey of achieving your Big Goals LESS stressful and MORE enjoyable! She will equip you with expert tips, business strategies, and all of the mindset shifts you need to approach life, business and weight loss with UNSHAKABLE confidence!
We’re not just here to share our insider tips and useful tools. We’re also here to answer YOUR questions and interview incredible expert female entrepreneurs. Tune in, get inspired and get ready for real stories, pro tips and the experiences of women and their successes!
Inhale, Exhale, Success
How to Stop Multitasking and Start Scaling Your Business
In this episode of the *Inhale, Exhale, Success* podcast, Dee Medina uncovers the hidden dangers of multitasking for mompreneurs. Learn why juggling multiple tasks might be slowing you down and discover how focusing on one thing at a time can lead to greater productivity, less stress, and those coveted four to six-figure months.
Key Takeaways:
- The Multitasking Myth: Why multitasking reduces efficiency and leads to burnout.
- Breaking Free: Simple strategies to focus on what truly matters.
- Self-Reflection: Identify where you're trying to do too much and how to regain clarity.
Dee understands how running a business can be super stressful, especially for moms. Her 1:1 coaching helps you juggle it all without sacrificing yourself or the things you love. Clients have reduced their stress by 50% and doubled their revenue after working with Dee. Schedule your call here to see how Dee can help you reclaim your time easily!
Grab a copy of her book [here].
Connect with Dee:
Instagram: [@deep_dives_withdee]
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**Disclaimer:** This podcast is for informational purposes only and does not substitute professional medical advice. Please consult a qualified healthcare professional for any mental health concerns.
How often do you find yourself halfway through an email while dinner's cooking on the stove, or you're scrambling to post on social media while your kids are calling for help with their homework? Does it feel like, no matter how much you juggle, you're still falling behind? And then you're left wondering why, despite all the effort you're putting into your business, you're still not hitting those multiple four to six-figure months? If this sounds like you, stay tuned because we're going to talk about how a little more focus might be the key to finally getting ahead.
Welcome to the Inhale, Exhale, Success podcast, where we help women entrepreneurs create a life they love, feel confident in their bodies, and build a business without burning out by equipping them with the best tools, strategies, and my proven formula every businesswoman must have. My name is Dee Medina. Let's get started and be successful together.
Hola, hola! Welcome back to another episode. I hope you are doing well today, and I'm really happy that you're here because we're going to talk about something that I know affects so many people, especially mompreneurs, and that thing is multitasking. If you've ever found yourself juggling a million things at once, trying to keep all those balls in the air, then this episode is for you. It doesn't matter if you're a mom or not, or a person in business or not, because we're diving into this topic that's universal, and no matter your background or what you're trying to accomplish, multitasking might actually be holding you back more than it's helping you. So, we're going to talk about how you can start focusing on what really matters to achieve true success and scale your business to those multiple four to six-figure months without burning out.
So, first off, let me ask you this: How many times have you found yourself answering emails while cooking dinner, or maybe taking a business call while helping your kids with their homework? Or, if you're like my clients, squeezing in some social media posting while listening to a podcast or writing out your to-do list. Does that sound familiar to you? Well, if you're nodding your head right now, you are not alone because what I’ve found is that multitasking has become such a monumental thing in our busy lives, especially when we're trying to balance business and family. But here's the truth: multitasking is not as effective as we've been led to believe.
Now, I know that this is something that might hit close to home because many of my clients share similar stories of experiencing those stressful days that eventually turn into burnout. And tell me in a review if this hits home for you too. It’s a typical weekday afternoon, and you’re in the middle of preparing for a big pitch for a potential client that could take your business to the next level. As you're preparing, you start feeling the pressure of all the negative thoughts that start coming into your mind. However, on the other hand, you start visualizing how you're going to celebrate after signing that client because they saw the value in what you provide, making you excited about this opportunity. And just as you're in the flow of brainstorming, writing it all out, putting it together, the timer on your phone goes off. It's time to pick up your kiddos from school. So, you rush out the door, still mentally rehearsing your pitch while trying to also remember the list of ingredients you need to pick up for dinner because your partner forgot to order them. They're also working late, and you promised your kiddos that you'd make them their favorite dinner tonight. So, you go and get your groceries with your kiddos—one kid is throwing a tantrum in the middle of the store, which was a mission in itself—and you get the kiddos back up, you get your ingredients, and once you're back home, the chaos continues.
Especially if you're a parent, and trust me, I feel you if you've been there, where the kids are hungry, the dogs need to be walked, and you still haven't started or finished that pitch because you started to cook dinner as soon as you stepped foot in the house. Then you run to your laptop, trying to squeeze in a couple more slides, and suddenly the smell of burning onion snaps you back into reality, rushing you to save dinner while the kids are still saying they're hungry. They say they have so much homework to do, and your phone notifications keep going off from clients, your friends, your boss, your partner, and you still haven't made that social media post that you planned to in your head but wasn't on your planner. So, you just decide to put everything down, focusing on finishing dinner and then feeding your kids. Now, once that's all done, you either have to help them get ready for bed or ask them to start on their bedtime routine while you're cleaning up from dinner. So, by the time you finally sit down to start or finish your pitch, your partner comes home, and you're both just so exhausted. And maybe they ask you how you're doing, and all you can think about is how your mind is scattered and how you feel like every task today or this week has just been half-completed and half-assed. You know you've been busy, but by the end of the day, it doesn't feel like you've made any real progress.
What makes it worse is when you're wondering how you'll ever scale your business to those multiple four to six-figure months when every day feels like a constant battle just to stay afloat. I know that this scenario is all too familiar for so many mompreneurs, especially those of us who are single mamas. I know how you're trying to do it all—work, kids, home, business—and it leaves you feeling so overwhelmed. And eventually, you burn out. Being a single mom myself, I've been there, but I had to ask myself, what if there's a better way? What if you could create this work-life rhythm that allows you to be productive, present, and at peace while also achieving your financial goals? I want you to know that I found that I could. And that you can too. It starts with focusing on what really matters and letting go of the need to multitask.
Now, some of you might be thinking, "What? How the hell do you expect me not to multitask, Dee, when I carry it all? It's all I've known." Well, my friend, I want to start by talking about what multitasking really does to our brains. We often think that by doing multiple things at once, we're going to be super efficient and get more things done, but the reality is our brains aren't designed to focus on more than one complex thing at a time. When you're trying to multitask, what you're actually doing is task switching, which means you're just quickly shifting your attention from one thing to another. And guess what? Each time that you switch, you lose a little bit of focus, a little bit of energy, and a little bit of productivity. It's like trying to juggle too many balls at once, and eventually, something is going to drop.
Now, I get it. You're preaching to the choir here. As mompreneurs, it feels like we have to multitask just to keep up with everything. But here's the thing: multitasking can actually decrease your efficiency, increase your stress levels, and, you guessed it, lead you to burnout. And I know that's the last thing that you want, especially when you're trying to either start, grow, or scale your business to those multiple four to six-figure months.
When I was personally stuck in that multitasking trap, I had to really take a step back and see what was causing it. Why do we fall into multitasking? Why do we feel so controlled by it? And after working with clients, I see two big reasons, especially among the mompreneurs that I work with. The first is the fear of falling behind. We live in a world that moves fast, so it's easy to feel like if we don't do everything at once, we're going to miss out or fall behind. And because of this fear, it often pushes us to take on too much at once. When you take on too much at once, it leads to a lot of stress and ultimately burnout because you feel like you can multitask. The second reason we multitask is that we have a desire to prove ourselves. As women, and especially as moms, there's often this pressure to show that we can do it all—the super boss who can run a successful business, the super mom who can be an amazing parent, and the super cleaner who can keep the household running smoothly. Yes, it's admirable to want to be good at everything, but trying to do it all at once just isn't the answer because the fact is that it often leads you to feel like you're not doing anything well at all. It happens over and over again.
So, how do we break from this cycle? How do we move away from multitasking and start to really focus on what matters? It starts with being intentional about how you use your time. Instead of trying to do everything at once, just focus on one thing at a time. I know it can sound challenging, especially when you have a lot on your plate, but trust me, it's worth it when you just focus on one thing at a time. Because when you give your full attention to one task, you are more likely to do it well. And you'll probably find that you can get it done faster too. Not only that, but you'll feel amazing once that thing is completed because you know that you were able to give it your all.
I want to share with you a simple strategy that you can start using today. I want you to prioritize your tasks. Focus on the things that are going to give you a return on your investment. That could be following up on a lead that said they’re interested in your services. That could be checking in on a client to see how you can provide more value. I want you to block out sometime for each one. If you're working on one big project, then set aside specific hours where that's all you focus on. Put your phone on "Do Not Disturb," close the unnecessary tabs on your computer, and let your family know that you're unavailable at that time. My phone, when I put it on "Do Not Disturb," only allows calls from my children. But when I have something that I'm working on, I do let my children know, "Hey, mom is not available from this time to this time. Unless someone's dying, bleeding, or in the emergency room, I am just not available," and your kids will be fine. Then, once that time block is over, you can move on to the next task. This way, you're giving each task the attention it deserves without spreading yourself too thin.
And we have to think about perfectionism. Perfectionism is going to tell you that something that could take you 30 minutes is going to take you three hours. No, just get it done. Give yourself that time. If you know it can take you 30 minutes, give yourself 30 minutes and let it go.
These are the things that I work on with my clients inside my Burnout to Bliss program because one of the core focuses is helping you create that rhythm that allows you to be productive. What we work on together is identifying what tasks truly move the needle forward in your business and in your life. Then, we develop strategies to help you focus on those tasks without getting overwhelmed by everything else. We also dive into how you can scale your business to those multiple four to six-figure months without the stress and exhaustion that comes from trying to do everything at once.
Imagine a life where you're not multitasking, where you're no longer juggling a million things at once because instead, you have a clear plan, a focused approach, and the tools to grow your business in a sustainable way. You're hitting those multiple four to six-figure months because you're working smarter, not harder. That's the power of focus. That's the skill that we help you master inside my Burnout to Bliss program, which is designed to help you achieve it in 12 weeks or less.
Now, for anyone outside of my program, I know that this might sound easier said than done, and that's okay. But if you're wanting to learn how to stop multitasking, really focus in, and get clear on the tasks you need to be working on, just know that change takes time, and it's all about progress, not perfection. You can start by making one small shift at a time. Maybe it's just blocking out one hour a day to focus on one thing—see how it feels and then build from there. If it still feels overwhelming and you just don't know where to start, that's okay too. In my show notes, you can book a call with me to help you through it because, as a single mom of five (with three of my kiddos being special needs), it's been mandatory for me to master the skills needed to keep my life and business growing and going while preventing burnout. It’s important to me to be the best version of myself for myself and everyone else. And I've been able to do that for a couple of years now. I want to share what I know with you in our time working together.
The thing that really helps is just self-coaching myself through these beliefs—that I need to do something, that I have to do something—and really giving it a different meaning. So, before we wrap up, I want to leave you with a couple of self-reflection questions: Where in my life am I trying to do too much? In my business? In parenthood? In my job? Where is that? What is one area where I can start focusing on just one thing at a time? And finally, ask yourself, where is the need to do it all at once coming from, and how can I bring peace to that part of me? Take some time to think about these questions and how you can start making these small changes to move away from multitasking and towards more mindful, focused work.
If you're ready to take things to the next level and really start creating a balanced and sustainable approach to your work and life while also scaling your business, then my *Burnout to Bliss* program is here to support you. I'd love to get on a call with you to see how we can work together to help you achieve the success you're aiming for, without the burnout. Remember, you don't have to do it all. And you certainly don't have to do it all at once.
So, tonight or whenever you hear this, I'd like for you to take a deep breath, take some time to focus on what really matters, and know that you are on the right path.
Well, that does it for today's episode. Thank you so much for joining us on the Inhale, Exhale, Success podcast. If you enjoyed today's topic, I'd love for you to subscribe so you don't miss out on other valuable discussions, along with answering questions directly from busy women like you who are looking for ways to make life, business, and weight loss easy. I look forward to having you here with us again next time. And remember, my friend, success begins when you take a moment to breathe, find your balance, and believe in yourself.